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Is the Society of Jesus right for you? Do you feel called by God to be transformed into a man for others?
Jesuit vocation means living the Gospel fully, generously, even heroically. It is not an easy life. But it is a wonderful vocation. Everything for the greater glory of God; more is not possible. The call to be a Jesuit priest or brother is a call to be a companion of Jesus as St. Ignatius of Loyola was. Becoming a Jesuit is a lifetime project, whose sole aim is to love and serve God.

Our formation is a long and rigorous process. In fact, we are in formation all through our Jesuit life as we always say, “A Jesuit is always a student at work.” As companions of Jesus, we are formed by the master of all teachers Himself, namely, Jesus Christ! Our formation goes through the following stages:
- Candidacy: at least one year of learning about the Society of Jesus and discerning one’s vocation
- Novitiate: two years of learning more about the Society and oneself, discerning one’s vocation, and undergoing several “experiments”, including the 30-day retreat and work in a hospital.
- First studies: studying philosophy and humanities
- Regency: Working in a Jesuit ministry while living in community, for two to three years
- Theology: studying theology in preparation for ordination to the diaconate and to priesthood
- Tertianship: the third year of the novitiate, a school of the soul in preparation for final vows
- Final vows: final incorporation in the Society of Jesus
Igniting Young Hearts: A Year of Vocations in Eastern Africa
In the heart of Jesuits Eastern Africa, a flame of hope and service is being kindled. Inspired by the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola, young men are answering the call to a life dedicated to God and others. This annual report chronicles the journey of these aspiring Jesuits, highlighting their formation, spiritual growth, and commitment to a mission that transcends borders, carrying in their minds and hearts the Motto, “Rekindled by the Fire of Desire to serve”. No matter how poor we are, our pride and wealth rely on the young men ready to serve. “Show me your wealth, and I will show you the wealth of young men ready to serve”.
The Society of Jesus in Eastern Africa is overjoyed to announce a significant milestone: the admission of twenty-four young men into the Jesuit novitiate in 2024. These young men, hailing from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds across South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda, have answered the call to a life of service and contemplation.
This remarkable increase in vocations reflects the enduring appeal of the Ignatian charism and the Society’s commitment to fostering a vibrant and diverse community of religious men. The province is grateful to God for this blessing and is excited to accompany these young men on their spiritual journeys.
As these novices embark on their formation, they bring with them a wealth of talents and experiences, ranging from engineering and computer science to business and the humanities. This diversity will enrich the Society’s mission and enable it better to serve the needs of the Church and the world.
The vocations team, led by Fr. Didmus Shirima, SJ, continues to prioritize relationship-building and spiritual discernment. By creating spaces for young men to encounter God and explore their vocations, the team hopes to inspire even more young people to consider a life of service with the Society of Jesus.
A Testament to the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs)
This year’s vocations reflect the growing appeal of the Society’s mission and the enduring relevance of the Universal Apostolic Preferences on “Accompanying the young in the creation of a hope-filled future”. These young men are drawn to the Society’s commitment to justice, education, and spiritual growth. They are eager to serve God and others in a variety of ministries, from teaching and preaching to social justice work and pastoral care.
A Diverse and Dynamic Community
The diversity of this year’s vocations is a testament to the Society of Jesus’s global reach. The province is proud to welcome young men from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. This diversity will enrich the community and help ensure that the Society remains relevant in a rapidly changing world.
Looking to the Future
As the Society of Jesus in Eastern Africa prepares to celebrate its 40th anniversary, it is poised to continue its mission of serving God and humanity. With the support of these new vocations, the province is confident that it will be able to meet the challenges of the future and make a lasting impact on the world.

Are you an active Catholic? Are you considering a vocation to religious life? Have you attained university entry requirements? Are you in college or university? Have you completed your studies or working? If you feel called to become a Jesuit priest or brother, contact the vocation director at the following addresses: