Parish Holy Childhood Bonanza
By Dominic Mutunga, SJ
Greetings of peace from the Vineyard of Tanzania.
On Saturday September 21st, K-Ndege parish was alive with over 300 children who attended the bi-annual bonanza. They came from six regions within the parish jurisdiction: Samaria, Jerusalem, Jericho, Galilee, Vatican, Nazareth. The children participated in Bible quiz and creatively presented poems, plays, songs and dances under the theme, “The negative effects of poor child upbringing.” The main messages that came out were: children are the foundation of the future, crime and drug abuse, street children, poor health, indiscipline, early marriage, FGM, poor academic performance as the effects and consequences of poor upbringing. Such children, observed one group, are the case of “Kiboyo bila meno hawezi kutafuna nyama!” (literally translated as: “a toothless person cannot chew meat”). The children meant to raise awareness that neglected or poorly parented children lack the capacity to actualize their potential in the family, church, school and society. Ultimately, the children called on parents, teachers, guardians and the government to ensure love, security and essential services for children are adequately provided.
Gearing up for our Deanery’s St. Paul of the Cross Feast Day
This great saint, who is famous for his selfless love, perseverance and ministry is the patron for our deanery. As we warm up for the feast day on October 19, the deanery has organized several events as a way of reflecting on the life and virtues of this great saint. Football for young men, netball for young women, bible quiz for children and dances for catholic men and women are some of the events in the program. Two football matches and a similar number of netball matches were played on the afternoon of Sunday 22nd of which K-Ndege football (Ledo Sports Club) won 2:0 while the K-Ndege netball (Ledo Sports Queens) also won 15:3. The events will take place on weekends.