Hakimani in South Sudan Doing Peace Work
By Ms. Ashley Kitua
In March 2024, Jesuit Hakimani Centre South Sudan (JHC-SS) in collaboration with the Justice and Peace Desk (JPD) of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek (CDOR), South Sudan embarked on a project to build the capacity of members of Justice and Peace at the parish level in the 17 parishes of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek, South Sudan on peacebuilding and election preparedness at the grassroot level. On 8th May 2024, JHC -SS carried out a capacity building workshop for 24 members of the Eastern Deanery from Holy Cross Parish in Yirol and St. Anselm Parish in Bunagok. Â The workshop focused on election processes, peacebuilding before during and after elections and responsible use of social media. The participants appreciated the JHC-SS input on the preliminary requirements for election as prerequisites for free fair and credible elections. The participants indicated the need for the government to carry out voter and civic education in a language and manner that even the illiterate and ignorant can exercise their right to vote as citizens of South Sudan. They noted that due to the culture of violence and revenge in the community and lack of dialogue, conflicts are frequent and lead to injuries, loss of life, property, peace and harmony in the community. They indicated the need to begin from the family level to build skills in solving conflicts through dialogue, mediation, forgiveness and reconciliation. They stated that the social media can be a powerful tool in peacebuilding through creating networks for peacebuilding, sharing information videos and images that promote peace and organizing online conferences and seminars on peacebuilding. The participants appreciated the knowledge and skills gained through the workshop and urged JHC-SS to continue with the work on peacebuilding, healing and reconciliation in the country.