Primi Departure for Their Second Experiment

By Kioko Timothy, nSJ

Greetings from Gonzaga Gonza Jesuit novitiate- Arusha, Tanzania, where we are enjoying life in diversity!

After the Long retreat experience, our young brothers have been sent out to nurture the Jesuit graces they acquired in their silent Month. After the missioning Mass on Monday 27th January, they had their departure on 30th January. The twenty-one brothers are now currently serving their Creator by being of service to His creatures in three countries within the province, namely, Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda. The novitiate community is with the Secundi brothers who have phrased a phrase, “Home Alone again” in the absence of their Primi brothers. With the 5 Formatters around the tally is now 21 members, in total. We pray dearly for their success in their mission, may the good Lord be with His men.

The arrival and departure of Sch. Stanislaus, SJ

Our brother Sch. Stanislaus, SJ, a regent in Malindi, Kenya community has been with us for a formal business, ending his stay on the 6th Feb and departing to Malindi, the same Day. We thank him for his visit and may God bless him in his endeavors.

The Commemoration of Fr. Bernard Mallia, SJ passing into glory

The Novitiate Community had a remembrance opportunity as they remembered the passing into glory of their former beloved laborer two years ago (Feb 4). The late Fr. Bernard Mallia SJ’s. legends are recounted and they still remain as a legend of the community. The brothers prayed for the purity of intentions so that those who feel called to follow his footsteps and stand under the banner of the Cross, may stand firm and join in saving souls as he did till the end of his life in the Society of Jesus.

Oh Bernard (A poem in his memory)

Oh, there existed a story and legend, but not in this era

How can a man leave such a legend, now I see one in this era

Maybe he was a teacher of legend, but creativity not in this era

Charming is a gift for a legend, oh now I see one in this era.

To a novice he is a legend, to be replaced not in this era

To teach he was a legend, a master I see one in this era

Mmmh, Fr Bernard a true legend, to be a Jesuit forgotten not one in this era

In my province he served like a legend, like a real model I see one in this era.

The vows he kept like a legend, to forget the mission not in this era

A servant to the novices like a legend, steps to cherish I see one in this era

Now rest easy like a legend, to sleep not in this era

Pray for the society like a legend, especially in this era

Perpetual light to shine on my legend, I now hear of a real legend in my era.

Author: Kioko Timothy, nSJ

Other news

The Secundi brothers are continuing to do well with their classes as well as caring for our Mother Earth.

The weather has now changed a good bit; Arusha is fairly hot these days.