Exposure Visit of Victor Awity, SJ
By Fr. Lasantha De Abrew, SJ
Our companion, Fr. Victor Awity had a wonderful exposure to JRS Pastoral Works in Adjumani. In Kampala, Victor had a brief chat with our Country Director. After the meeting, Fr. Drasiga the Superior and I met Victor for a briefing of the pastoral works of Adjumani. We travelled together to Adjumani on Friday (5th of April) via meeting the Jesuits in Gulu. Fr. Paschal was very happy to meet Victor as they were members of the same community in the novitiate. On Saturday, after mass we visited all our Catholic Communities in Ayilo 1 & 2 meeting the elders, catechists, youth leaders and senior students. These were very enriching encounters and interactive sessions with many questions asked by the stakeholders. In the evening, we met the senior students who are in boarding schools to introduce Victor and to listen to them. Later we met Fr. Jimmy Milla the Parish Priest of Dzaipi, as our communities come under his jurisdiction. 
On Sunday, we celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday Mass at Holy Rosary Chapel in Boroli. Victor met the community too. On the same evening of that day, we had a final briefing where many questions were asked and answered. Victor was very positive about the Pastoral  program especially the youth leadership and youth animation in liturgy.  Around 7.00 pm on Sunday, Victor left for Kampala by bus. I accompanied him to the stage. Now, the old servant could leave in Peace. My gratitude go to the Provincial for sending Victor for the exposure. I also thank Victor for making the  strenuous journeys to visit us from Mwanza and back. I am grateful also to Agnes, Fred and Taban for your support in making Victor’s visit a memorable one .