LCMC’s AI Training Mesmerizes Religious Sisters, Igniting a Thirst for Advanced Skills
By Ms. Teresea Muia

A training session on use of Artificial intelligence assisted tools in religious contexts, delivered by Loyola center for media and communication (LCMC) to a group of religious sisters from African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) left the nuns thirsting for more sessions.
The mind-blowing training that took place on the 27th January 2024, at The Little Daughters of St Joseph convent Karen, saw the lead facilitator and LCMC Executive director Dr.Elias Mokua together with his team comprising of Ms. Joy Kesenwa(LCMC programs Manager) and Ms Teresia Muia , explain to the participants the need to incorporate AI in their day to day activities especially as they interact with the generation Z, (Gen-Z).
Humorously pointing to the religious sisters as digital emigrants, Dr.Mokua and the team took the participants through a session on Synodality and social media. Synodality is a collaborative decision-making approach in the Catholic Church that emphasizes dialogue and active participation for unity and adaptability.
The LCMC team trained the nuns on how AI tools can be helpful in handling such complex religious documents and running social media campaigns to create awareness to the public.

The two-hour session with the religious sisters, however, was not enough to quench their thirst for knowledge as each step of the interaction left them marveled about the speed ,accuracy and effectiveness of AI in performing tasks which initially proved draining and time consuming. “I am very much empowered by this training, the tools will help me in a research I’m doing and also in my studies…I will have no struggles.”
The training came to a close with the nuns feeling more excited about the magic of technology. The LCMC team promised a two-hour virtual session with the participants to check on their progress. “As a student I would say, the training was very informative, I had fears in using some of the tools but your delivery has given me confidence, however I feel I need a longer session and I am looking forward to it” Says Sr.Christine