Media Personalities Support LCMC'S Push for Open Data Portal
By Ms.Teresia Muia
Media personalities from the Nairobi metropolitan area have rallied behind the Loyola Centre for Media and Communications (LCMC) in urging the government to create an open data portal for public fund allocation and expenditure. This initiative aims to enhance transparency and reduce corruption by making this information accessible to both the media and the public.
During a media workshop organized by LCMC on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at Savelberg Nairobi, 13 media representatives expressed their commitment to fighting corruption. This event marked the fourth public forum under LCMC’s Angaza Dialogue Platform (ADP) program, which promotes government accountability and responsiveness in public service delivery.

Dr. Elias Mokua, the LCMC director, kicked off the session with an insightful presentation on the implications of corruption in Kenya. His remarks highlighted the urgency of combating corruption to secure a better future for the next generation. “If we allow dubious people to become our leaders, what culture are we really passing to our children?” he questioned.
The presentation set the stage for a dynamic discussion, where media professionals voiced their challenges in reporting political crimes and cases involving influential individuals. One journalist noted, “Getting information from public offices has been a big challenge to journalists for a long time, with those in offices referring you to other people until the story becomes stale.”
The media representatives agreed that an open data portal would significantly aid their reporting by providing accurate and verifiable data, boosting their confidence in broadcasting, and enhancing government accountability to the public.
This LCMC’s proposal to the government promises significant relief by providing unbiased, centralized information for both the public and journalists.