Embracing a New Chapter 2024
By Lawrence N. Mutunga, SJ
As the curtains draw on the festive season, here in Maban we are gradually doubling the pace to embrace the new year. Resuming work after a joyous Christmas and New Year celebrations is not just another Monday blues but a continuation of the graces received during that time. The week began with a Christmas evaluation meeting, which was attended by all the Abunas, catechists, church council, youth leaders and translators. The aim was to evaluate the busy and parked Christmas celebrations in all the outstations. There was a thorough evaluation and brainstorming to celebrate the accomplishments and identify the areas of improvement in a spirit of discernment for the sake of future intensive celebrations.

This week, all JRS staff resumed their weekly meetings as most of them had already returned to work from Christmas holidays. Most of the programmes had already kicked on, especially with the flux of new refugees. The education department has also resumed its English classes and classes at Arrupe Learning Centre. The meeting began with a reflection from Abuna Meela emphasizing and reminding staff of the key aspects of Arrupe’s prayer and vision of founding Jesuit Refugee Services. It was also a time to seek for more graces and guidance from the Holy Spirit to propel us forward in serving his people.

Last Sunday, Nila outstation could not hold the happiness upon receiving Fr. Bill who celebrated the Eucharistic with them. Nila Outstation is one of the vibrant outstations in Maban and it’s about an hour’s drive from the JRS compound. Mass was celebrated in the usual place; under the trees, which provides not only shade but also ambience and connection with Gods creation. The Mass began on time with the youth chanting the songs in the Mabanese language. You could see the energy in Fr. Bill during the homily as he interacted with the congregants who among them were members of a nearby Pentecostal church who joined upon hearing the singing.