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Mwangaza Retreat Center – Nairobi, Kenya

Mwangaza Retreat Center – Nairobi, Kenya Website can be accessed through here

Mwangaza Jesuit Spirituality Centre was founded in 1979 as a house of prayer. Its main mission is to promote Ignatian spirituality and facilitate personal, spiritual growth of people who seek God’s will in their life journey. The Centre specializes in guided retreat programs and formation courses based on Ignatian Spirituality. Its mission is to help people discover the living God present and active in their daily lives. It puts a strong emphasis on the integral human formation and empowerment of church personnel especially the laity. To this end, Mwangaza has increased the number of full-time qualified Jesuit staff and engaged in the formation of associate staff members who assist the Centre in guiding retreats and formation programs. Furthermore, the Centre liaises with ZAIDI Centre and the Christian Life Community; these two organizations share Ignatian Spirituality as well as the Jesuit mission in Africa, and are mainly concerned with the empowerment of the laity in the Catholic Church and civil society.

Set in a serene location, the Centre offers one-on-one accompaniment and guidance in prayer. Programs aim at facilitating a direct encounter with Jesus, in the Scriptures, who calls each one to share in His mission of love, justice and reconciliation in the African context. Presently, Mwangaza can accommodate up to 55 guests. It has five full-time retreat guides (one religious Sister and four Jesuits) and 18 support staff. Moreover, the Centre counts on a few part-time Jesuits and 10 part-time external, qualified retreat guides, most of them formed at Mwangaza.

The retreatants have access to three chapels located in the same compound. They also benefit from a 55-person capacity hall and two smaller conference rooms which can accommodate up to 20 people. Over two kilometers of pathways allow the retreatants to walk leisurely, pray and relax in the beauty of nature.