By Kafuku Aggrey, nSJ
Greetings from Gonzaga Gonza Jesuit novitiate- Arusha, Tanzania, where we are enjoying life in diversity!
Fr. Provincial’s Canonical Visit
“These three strands come together in the account of conscience. For this reason, the account of conscience is the essential to the practice of obedience in the Society. A Jesuit reveals to his superior all that is happening in his soul, the graces that he has received and the temptations he had undergone, so that his superior can prudently and confidently send him on mission. The account is repeated annually so that the Jesuit and his superior can evaluate and confirm the mission together,” ( GC 35, D 4#111). As result, Father Provincial came to our community on Thursday 15th February for the Manifestations of all members of the community. He met each member of the community, and later the collective community in which he discussed the growth and set-backs of the community and the Province. We thank him for his visit and may God bless him in his endeavors.
Candidates interviewed by Fr Provincial
During the course of his visit to the Novitiate, Father Provincial interviewed candidates as is required of him by the Constitutions. There were eight candidates across Tanzania who were interviewed here in Arusha. We pray that each of these young men, who feel called to follow and stand at the banner of the Cross, may stand firm and join us in serving souls.
Other news
The novice master has gone for visitation of our brothers first year novices who are in experiment, may the almighty God grant him journey mercies.
Moreover, Fr. Emmanuel Mchopa went for a health checkup in Nairobi- Kenya, we pray that all will be well.
The weather has drastically changed and Arusha is hot.