Vows day & visitation of Fr. Provincial
By Robison Victor, nSJ
Greetings from the novitiate Arusha
Seven days ago, on the twenty-fourth of May, twelve of our second year Novices made their first profession. The Holy Eucharist was officiated by Father Provincial, who during his homily, reminded us that the twelve young men would soon be new scholastics as soon as they make their first profession.
It is the Jesuit Charism, and the first and at the same time perpetual vows confers upon them a heavy responsibility of the Jesuit vocation that they have freely chosen. Besides the three vows that they were professing publicly, he asked each one of them to make a fourth private vow, between themselves and God that they will be faithful for their vocation now and always.
We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and well-wishers who made the day of the First Profession so colorful and memorable. The Primi put their “heart and soul” to make the Noviciate, and the surroundings extraordinarily attractive, to the admiration of our guests as well as that of the “vovendi.” In fact, when the “vovendi” returned to the Novitiate at the end of their retreat on the 23rd afternoon, they could hardly believe their own eyes at what the Primi had managed to accomplish in their absence. It was way beyond their expectations and anticipations!
For the following two days, the “primi” had an opportunity to meet the Provincial for their annual manifestation, as they were away for their experiment when the Provincial had visited the place earlier in the year. The provincial concluded the visitation by offering the morning Eucharist on the 27th of May.
We thank our loving God for all the gifts that He has been continuously bestows upon us, as we progress with our formation. The “primi” are now getting ready to receive our new Novices, twenty-one in total, on Friday, 31st May.