By James Kioko, nSJ

Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and it’s my hope that you are having good Easter season in your various Apostolates.

Our Way of Proceeding

After the two month experiment and Easter holiday, normal Routine of the novitiate resumed including classes and rhythm of life. The first years are going on with their classes on Discernment with Br Edema, Constitutions of the Society of Jesus with the Fr. Charles, Catechism with Fr. Machuki and English with Abuna Joe. The Secundi are Doing Sexuality and Affectivity with Fr. Charles while Fr. Lasway is taking them through Liturgy course.

250 Years Jubilee of St Magdalene of Canossa

On 10th April the novices joined their sisters of Canossa at Canossian Spirituality Center to celebrate 250 years since the birth of their founder St Magdalene of Canossa born on 10th April 1774 in Verona, Italy. The event was a colorful one wich began with procession of Holy mass and culminated by entertainments. The mass was celebrated by His Grace archbishop Isaac Amani as the main celebrant and His Excellency Angelo Accatino, apostolic nuncio of Tanzania together with, His Lordship Prosper Limo Auxiliary Bishop of Arusha. The mass was also co-celebrated by various priests both religious and diocesans including our Fathers from the Novitiate Community and the novices who served during mass.

From the life of St Magdalene she is known as a Foundress of the Daughters and Sons of Charity (Canossian Sisters and Fathers). Although she came from a rich family she was moved by the love of Christ and the Gospel to be at the service of the poor and lowly in the society. As her famous saying states ‘Set Life on Fire’, She endeavored to serve and help souls through education especially education for girls kindling a fire in them that brought them towards God.

Some of the novices pose for photo after serving mass.
The Nuncio and the Archbishop cutting a ribbon to mark the event.