Japan: Many Cultures, One Mission: Cultivating Diversity in the Lord’s Vineyard
By John Mukulu, SJ
The abundance of God’s harvest and the pressing need for more labourers to serve in His vineyard have been at the heart of recent activities within the Society of Jesus in Japan. Central to these efforts is the renewed commitment to foster the international community in Japan, particularly, the African community Mass, a monthly celebration that has become a vibrant space for unity and cultural expression. These Masses serve not only as an opportunity for worship but also as a testament to the power of diversity in building a spiritually enriching and inclusive community.

The importance of this commitment was echoed by the Provincial of Japan during his recent visit to the SJ-House Jesuit community at Sophia. Highlighting the historical and ongoing diversity of the Japan Province, he called for greater collaboration across regions and stressed the urgent need for more labourers in the Lord’s vineyard. His words resonate deeply in a context where the challenges of ministry demand a collective response, strengthened by the unique contributions of each individual. Diversity, he reminded the community, is not merely a characteristic of the Society of Jesus, it is its strength, enabling a richer, more adaptable, and more effective mission.
Adding further depth to this theme was the visit of Fr. Leonard Chiti, the Provincial of Southern Africa, who spent two weeks immersing himself in the realities of missionary life in Japan. His presence served as a bridge between continents, drawing attention to the missionary needs of the Society of Jesus in East Asia. Fr. Chiti’s pledge to raise awareness within the Southern Africa Province underscores the interconnectedness of Jesuit missions worldwide, where collaboration and mutual support are vital in responding to Christ’s call to serve.

As Sophia University and Jesuit communities in Japan move forward, these efforts reflect a profound response to the Gospel message: “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.” Through renewed dedication to service, celebration of diversity, and strengthened global collaboration, the Jesuits continue to build a vineyard rooted in love, unity, and mission, a reflection of God’s abundant grace and the labourers’ shared commitment to bring it to fruition.
May the Lord of Harvest send labourers in his vineyard, Amen.