Embracing Liberating Education
By Deacon Francis Kyallo, SJ
Its holiday time and the environs of St. Joseph Development Programmes are calm given that all students and children are at home. Even though to many, holiday is a time to relax and chill, this time round at St. Joseph, most of the staff members spend this period learning how to spice our education approach with a liberating touch. This happened within a one-week Fe y Alegría International workshop hosted by the St. Joseph Development Programmes at Mwangaza Spiritual Center in Karen, Nairobi, Kenya where the discussions centered on “Liberating Christianity and Popular Education.” This workshop was graced by an international attendance from Latin America and European delegates who brought to our attention how “Fe y Alegria” (faith and joy) could be the best model to embrace in enhancing popular education. Popular education not in the sense of being common to all, but because of its holistic liberation emphasis that the 21st Century education should embrace; intellectual as well as social liberation. It was so easy to connect with this approach given that one aspect of our mission is promoting a Christ like life. Christ is a liberator; hence, everything we do must bring about liberation to our beneficiaries. As a sign of commitment to this new relationship culminated to memorandum of understanding that was signed by the provincial of Eastern Africa Province and the President of “Fe y Alegria” federation.

Promoting Child Safeguarding Policies
One crucial way to translate the concept of liberation into reality is by taking tangible actions. An example of such practical steps is the implementation of child safeguarding policies within an organization. The dedicated efforts in this regard have proven to be successful, as evidenced by the recognition received by St. Joseph Development Programmes for its outstanding commitment to promoting safeguarding policies and was honored with the Xavier Network Safeguarding Champion Award 2024.This prestigious recognition was announced at the Xavier Network Directors’ Meeting in Dublin, where our commitment to promoting safeguarding policies was lauded.
In a special ceremony, Emer Kerrigan, Deputy Director of Irish Jesuits International, and Fr. Allan Ggita, SJ Jesuit Development Director, presented the award to St. Joseph Development Programmes. Their visit to our office in Kangemi to physically deliver the award was a testament to the importance of our work in safeguarding children and promoting their well-being.