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Training and Education of Jesuits
The Society of Jesus has young men in their different stages of formation. As priests and brothers, we are called to care for the spiritual life of the people we are called to serve.
Where you can help:
- Support train a priest by offering scholarships.
- Support formation activities of our formative communities.

Loyola Secondary School, Wau, South Sudan
Loyola Secondary is a co-education day school established in 1982. The first intake of students was in 1984. Due to the civil wars in South Sudan, the school had to close down for 2 years after opening.
Where you can support:
- Feeding Program:Â It continues to be a foundation for attracting and retraining students in school so that they may have an opportunity to improve their future.
- Scholarship Fund:Â the annual tuition fees required is $250 per student. However, due to high insecurity, some parents are unable to cultivate any crops for fear of being killed or seen as rebels and thus are unable to pay the school fees.

Caring for our Elderly Jesuits
We have an old priests’ home. They are quite sick and frail and need a lot of care.