By Alex J. Onyango, nSJ
Greetings from Gonzaga Gonza Jesuit Novitiate! Happy Easter!
We thank God for the many graces and blessings he has bestowed on us as we continue to rejoice and being glad because of the great joy and the glory of Christ Our Lord.
Here are some of the updates from the Novitiate:
Holy Week and Easter Celebrations
As the saying goes, ‘There is no Easter without Passion’, by God’s grace we had a fruitful Holy week which began with our own three day’s retreat in the community preceding the Easter Triduum. Under the direction of Fr. Joe Rodrigues, SJ, the community had the three days of prayer and we also had confessions. We thank God as all went well.
We also participated in the Easter Triduum at the parish, St. Josephine Bakhita. We participated in the Good Friday’s way of the cross by animating one of the Stations of the Cross. Furthermore, the novices also led in the adoration after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. The Holy week was a moment of learning where we could see, hear and take part in the solemn Liturgical celebrations.
As we continue to rejoice and being glad for the resurrection of Christ Our Lord, we had a wonderful Easter Sunday celebration here at the community. We began the celebrations with Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Master. The community was brought together in prayer and singing. Indeed we were glad.
In the evening we also had socials at the community. It was an opportunity for some of our companions to share their talents in singing, dances, poetry and jokes. We also celebrated the birthdays of some of our companions who happened to be born in the month of March. We thank God for journeying with us through Lent and bringing us to the festivities of Easter.
Sharing on Experiments
After a two month experience in different places across the province, our Primi companions are now back and shared with the community their various experiences of the experiments. It was interesting and moments of learning to hear the experiences of our sixteen Primi companions. The journey to and back, joys and challenges, apostolates done, what they learnt about God and themselves, the people they served and labored with were part of their sharing. It was indeed fruitful to listen to each of them as they narrated their experiences to the community. We thank God for their experiences and coming back home safe and sound.
Death and Burial of Sr. Teresita Salanguit. (Sr. Tita)
On Holy Saturday, 30/3/2024 at around 1330hours, Sr. Teresita of the Canossians went ahead to the Lord after a long period of illness. She was being nursed at the Canossian community until her demise. On Tuesday 02/04/2024 a requiem Mass was held for her at the Canossian chapel before her burial on Wednesday 03/04/2024. The burial Mass was led by His Grace, Archbishop Isaac Amani, the Archbishop of Arusha Archdiocese concelebrated by some priests from the Archdiocese. In attendance were different religious men and women and the Christians.
From her eulogy, she served in her home country, the Philippines, for 11 years and she was a missionary in Africa for 39 years. She was known to be humble and lovable to people she encountered in her service, hospitable kind and generous in the people she served in her missions in the various places she served.
From the homily, the Archbishop gave the example of a wheat grain which falls on the ground, dies, for it to rise and bear fruit. He encouraged Christians to continue taking care and spreading the good fruits and virtues of our loved ones who have gone ahead of us.
Some of the novices took part in serving the burial Mass which was indeed a great time for them to learn on the rituals and proceedings of a burial liturgy. After the Mass which began at around 10:30am and ended at 12noon, there came the solemn procession to the Canossian cemetery where her body was interred. May she continue resting in eternal peace.
Seminar on Statutes on Religious Poverty in the Society of Jesus and instructions on Administration and Finances
On 4-5th 2024, we journeyed with Fr. Mark Kimario, SJ on the above topic. It has been an opportunity of learning and expounding on our vow of poverty. We were guided on the different aspects of the vow of poverty: After 1st vows and after final vows. Moreover we were brought to the knowledge of common life of sharing in the modest life imitating simple family and all received (stipends, salaries, benefits, awards, gifts). We also journeyed on Personal and communal poverty and our way of proceeding as a province and many more. We thank Fr. Kimario, SJ for facilitating and journeying with us on the statutes.