St. Joseph Development Programme Celebrates Opening Mass

By Edward Musungu

On Wednesday 31 January, the St. Joseph Catholic Church, Kangemi was filled with an air of spiritual enthusiasm as Celebrants Fr. James Mugwe, SJ and Deacon Francis Kyalo, SJ led the St.  Joseph Development Programmes students and staff in an opening mass.

Deacon Francis’s delivered an insightful Homily, emphasizing the importance of creativity among teachers and the art of attentive listening to students.

He drew parallels between Jesus Christ’s teaching method and the role of teachers, using parables as an example, as he highlighted their simplicity in conveying profound moral and spiritual lessons. Through the lens of the parable of the Sower, the Deacon underlined the significance of attentive listening in correctly interpreting information.

The celebrant stressed that students are akin to a fertile ground, and teachers, as Sowers, must provide the best seeds for optimal growth. Additionally, he emphasized the necessity of creating a conducive environment for students to thrive, where they can absorb knowledge and flourish. Deacon Francis urged students to not only listen but also offer positive feedback to the world, emphasizing the reciprocal nature of learning.

Concluding his sermon with a powerful message for the new academic year, Deacon Francis invoked the words of Martin Luther King, urging everyone to shine in their respective endeavors. His words resonated with a call for progress, encouraging everyone to move forward regardless of the circumstances. “If you can’t fly, run; if you can’t run, walk; if you can’t walk, grow,” he exclaimed,

The mass drew to a close, with blessings bestowed upon the newly admitted Upendo Unit, Secondary and Technical School students, marking the beginning of their academic journey with divine guidance.

Students and staff of the SJDP come together for an opening mass.
Deacon Francis Kyalo SJ delivering a Homily.
Fr. James Mugwe SJ bestowing blessings upon the newly admitted SJDP students.
Fr. James & Deacon Francis unite with newly admitted students for a group photo.

Inspiring Hope at the Upendo OVC Education Programme

On Friday 26 January, Quattro Travel Agency embarked on a heartwarming visit to the Upendo OVC Program, creating lasting memories for both visitors and the unit pupils.

During the visit, there was an engaging interaction and shared lunch which fostered a sense of connection, leaving pupils inspired by the newfound friendships. Amidst the joyous moments, Quattro Travel Agency generously came along with food donations.

Quattro Travel limited has been a global provider of innovative and cost-effective solutions spanning tour activities, leisure, corporate travel, events, loyalty and wholesale travel, with its destination of up to Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda.

Notably, NTV news anchor Mr. Frederick Muitiriri and Fr. Evarist Shigi, SJ from Loyola House graced the occasion. This inspiring visit left an indelible mark of hope and encouragement into the hearts of all those who got involved. Upendo OVC programme says ASANTE SANA!

Staff of the Quattro Travel Limited and NTV news anchor Mr. Frederick Muitiriri (middle) having joyful interactions with Upendo unit pupils.
Upendo unit pupil performing a dance for the visitors.
Upendo unit pupils, staff and visitors unite for a memorable group photo with in-kind donations.